Personal approach is one of the priorities of the PriorityGO concept which we apply throughout our schools. Based on the interconnection within the group of PRIGO schools and because it covers all levels of education, we have a unique opportunity to offer our students the possibility to participate in the new BuddyGo system, which moves the meaning of ‘personal approach’ to the next level. Targeted mentoring connects different levels of education in the group of PRIGO schools. This way, our students develop today’s highly valued qualities such as responsibility and activity on the mentor-side, and easier integration on the mentoree-side. New school, new environment, new schoolmates and new teachers – we take personal approach really seriously. We will find a Buddy, a friend from a higher educational level, for every student. Your Buddy will guide you through the school, share tips on interesting school events, and become your teammate. Loneliness will never trouble you. You’ll make a successful team with your Buddy, and you may represent your school at various events. You’ll also be a team of two friends who help each other. Mentoring at the Grammar School is important especially at the very beginning of studies, before the students find their way around and create their school social group. An experienced Buddy already knows the school system perfectly and is well-informed about the school and extracurricular activities. New students can contact their Buddy, whose experience they can rely on during the difficult transition period. All they need to do is to write an e-mail or text him/her via Messenger to get the information they need. You can take a look at how mentoring at PRIGO schools looks here.