Tuition fee and scholarship

Tuition fee

We are a private secondary school for highly motivated and capable students interested in studying at a general grammar school with a focus on medical and science. To ensure accessibility of education and as part of the PRIGO group, all students without serious disciplinary infractions who begin their studies in the 2025/2026 school year will have their tuition covered by the scholarship fund, as per the decision of the school director. Tuition-free education is guaranteed for the entire duration of their studies. The standard tuition fee would otherwise amount to 9,900 CZK per month.

The PRIGO Strategic Council has also confirmed zero tuition fees for the International Baccalaureate (IB) program for all students from PRIGO secondary schools. This program serves as a gateway to prestigious universities worldwide.


The PRIGO Strategic Board also confirmed the program of social scholarships for talented students, as well as the merit and scientific scholarship program for all students at grammar schools and high schools from the PRIGO group. More information is available in the study department.